Boredom Busters Part 13

Updated March 23, 2021

We do have some Easter Boredom Buster kits!

In addition to the cross introduced last month, we have added the Spring is in the Air and Bunny Trail kits.

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Spring is in the Air is an assortment of one card kits with the same layout but different artwork. The samples are colored with a combination of colored pencils and watercolors.

$3.00/kit with complete instructions.

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Bunny Trail is a fun card that includes all of the parts and complete instructions.


More kits are in the works. (Our re-configuring the store took a LOT of time and energy! We are back in the creative mode and will release more kits soon!)




This entry was posted in Boredom Busters, Cards, Cindy Earl Higgins, creativity, fun, Iris folding, local, paper arts, Pendleton, Shop Local, supplies, take and make, Terri Earl Brooks, thanks, The Mercantile, Virus kits. Bookmark the permalink.