Boredom Buster Kits – part two

New kits added on 4/24.

Hello everyone, we are still creating kits to help bide the time while in isolation mode. We started with some basic Iris Fold cards (see previous post) and added in some easy doodle and assembly cards as well.

With the previous post getting longer (as I just added to it when we had new kits), I decided that I would add a fresh post for the newest kits. We still have some stock of the others as well, and will make more if needed. There are a few remaining Easter kits which we will not make more at this time.

The Bead Soup Elastic Bracelet Kits will make 3 – 4 bracelets and are $4.00/kit.

2020-04-16 13.57.30

The Dragonfly Cards were designed with Mom in mind. These would make a perfect Mother’s Day card. They also would be perfect for a Thinking of You, Sympathy, Birthday, Missing you… just about any occasion. They are $3.00/kit and make one card.

Dragonfly Virus Kits

As with all of our kits, colors may vary as we may run out of stock on certain papers or embellishments.

The Fold-out Pop-up card is the next addition. We created it in two different color combinations. Again, this card would be wonderful as a Mother’s Day card, Thinking of You, Birthday or any other special occasion. The words are optional, but “I <3 U” is appropriate for so much!

Fold out pop up kit

OK, for those of you who are ALL IN on the Gnome craze, we have a brand new Forest Gnome Card Kit for you! Our friend Michelle designed these Gnomes for us and they are too stinkin’ cute!

forest gnome virus kit

gnome assembly

The Gnomes colors and shapes will vary from kit to kit, but all of them are so cute!

Introducing the one, the only……. CARD SHARK! This kit came about because a customer asked us to design a card for her twin grandsons second birthday. They love “Baby Shark”.

Card Shark Card Kit

Mr Shark is currently only available in green, but we may consider adding other colors later.

**We are working on other kit designs at the moment… our creative juices are flowing. (There are others in the back of our minds, but we are not currently ready to get them available for you… they are patiently waiting their turn.)

We are currently planning to be open from Noon to 4:00 PM Thursdays through Saturdays. We will let you know as soon as those plans change. But we are more than happy to meet for curbside pick-up, ship (orders over $25 ship for free) or make other arrangements. Our thought is that it is best to be safe for everyone’s sake.

Thank you all for your patronage and your friendships. We truly appreciate your support of us and our business as we go through these trying times.

This entry was posted in art, Beading, beads, Boredom Busters, bracelet, Cards, Cindy Earl Higgins, creativity, customers, educational, embellishments, Facebook, flowers, friends, fun, greeting cards, helping, Iris folding, jewelry, local, paper arts, Pendleton, Shop Local, students, supplies, take and make, Terri Earl Brooks, thanks, The Mercantile, Virus kits. Bookmark the permalink.