Boredom Buster Kits – Part 5

New kit addedJune 17, 2020

Here is a kit to make a holder for a 3″ x 3″ sticky-note pad.

sticky note kit

The colors did not photograph well. 71 is a mix of aquas, lavender, and periwinkle, 72 is a soft lavender pink, 73 is a denim blue with aqua accents, 74 is a beautiful autumn colored floral, 75 is an olive green, and 76 is a rich dark brown.

The color of the sticky-note pad may vary from kit to kit.

Complete instructions are included as well as the ribbon for the closure.

**NOTE: there is a typo in the instructions for the Sticky Note Pad Holder. Step #1 says to measure in 3/16″, it should read 3/8″. Apologies for the mistake. It will be corrected on all kits not yet sold and any future kits made.

Photos showing the steps:

sticky pad steps

We had a few sheets of these fun patriotic print papers and our wonderful friend Michelle cut us some gnomes out of them! Just in time for Independence Day!

2020-06-16 16.21.32

If you need a refresher on assembling the gnome, check out the earlier post (Boredom Busters – Part 2) with the Forest Gnome and there is a step-by-step.


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